Responsive Donations
In addition to awarding grants to meet its City and Civic obligations, the Shipwrights charitable strategy focuses its support on maritime and waterborne projects and activities which offer the opportunity for young people to learn new skills and develop and this includes responding to appeals for donations. This is achieved through a screening process which has been established over many years and the Education and Charity Committee considers applications for grants that meet the criteria with a view to maximising the impact of every donation made.
Our intent is to focus support on applications from individuals and organisations where we believe we can make a real difference so that the Company's contributions reach those individuals who most need its support, and those organisations which have low administrative costs.
Applicants are encouraged to show how their particular cause will help us achieve our objectives. For example, grants for heritage projects, such as the restoration of classic vessels, usually need to show:
- they are being used to formally train young people in shipwright skills.
- the vessel is listed by the National Historic Ships Committee.
The link to the website of the National Historic Ships Register is here.
Applications must be completed on the Responsive Donations form and accompanied by a covering letter or email addressed to the Clerk and all applications from other charities or organisations are to be accompanied by the latest report and accounts.
All applications will be acknowledged, but those that do not fit the Shipwrights’ charitable criteria will be rejected at the same time. Applicants should ask themselves the question which the Education and Charities Committee asks itself: “What makes this case deserving of support from charitable funds?” Please click here to apply for funding.
The Shipwrights' Company asks for reports from all grant recipients who are invited to describe the impact the award has had, the value gained and the number of people assisted and these reports are shared with the membership. Where an application for funding is for a long-term project the Shipwrights require regular reports and confirmation of its ongoing viability.
In 2018-19 the Company allocated a total of £23,050 to assist 23 successful applicants, in 2019-20 it was £12,000 to 16 applicants, a greatly reduced sum reflecting the impact of the pandemic on water-based activities. In 2020-21 donations of £29,000 were made to 28 organisations including a grant of £5,000 to help Lyme Regis Boat Building Academy reconfigure its classroom and workshop space so that it could return to full capacity, or pre-covid teaching levels and instructor / student ratios. In 2021-22 the Shipwrights awarded £19,860 to ten applicants, in 2023-24 it was £30,000 divided between 14 applicants and to date in 2024-25 the Company has awarded £17,150 split betwen 7 successful aplicants.
Click on the names of the successful applicants listed below to be taken directly to their website and get an idea of what they do.
Horizons Children's Sailing Charity
Livery Schools Link Volunteering Platform
Lyme Regis Boat Building Academy
Maritme London Office Cadet Scholarships
Microphthalmia, Anophthalmia & Coloboma Support (MACS)
Mission to Seafarers Flying Angel Campaign
National Coastwatch Institution
Plymouth & Devon Sailing Association
Portsmouth Sail Training Trust
Seafarer Support was launched in 2010 as a central point of information and signposting service for UK serving and retired personnel and their dependants from the Merchant Navy, Fishing Fleet and the Royal Navy. Seafarer Support is a resource for referring agencies within local authorities, NHS Trusts and the wider charity sector. Its aim is to connect eligible beneficiaries to the right charities during times of need, offering support and services in the following categories:
- COVID-19 Redundancy, Training & Employment
- Financial Assistance
- Accommodation
- Advice
- Support
- Health / Medical
You will find over 140 charities who are ready to support you when you need help or are in crisis. Click on the image to the left to be taken directly to their website or call them on 0800 121 4765